I'm in the zone! Let's close in and clean up!: +100% damage. Requirement: Character must start the battle by drawing a melee weapon. There are four custom Soul Voices slots that can be set as desired to get the following effects: Riddle 4: "In suburban glory in a setting sun, the afflicted tell of what's to come." Go to the Residential District in the evening and speak with Solan. Riddle 3: "Etchings of ancient beasts to find? Seek a stony shore in fired climes." Go to the eastern side of Cauldros and find Savage Sketches.

Riddle 2: "After dawn o'er land of white, a rare red foe appears to smite." Defeat Lyla's Galdr at the east side of Lake Ciel in Sylvalum from 05:00 to 07:00 underneath the Noctilucent Sphere. Riddle 1: "Soar deep into the skies and seek the forgotten land's ultimate peak." Get a Flying Skell and explore Mount Edge Peak in Oblivia. Riddle 4: "Where ordnance takes first breath, collect your spoils after sunset." Go to Outfitter's Test Hangar during the night and speak to Solan. Riddle 3: "Above an early land do hover, courting birds whose seal you covet." Go to Primordia or Oblivia and collect Auravis Courtship Feathers. Riddle 2: "Atop the forest's eternal cascade, a bitter baron awaits the blade." Go to the west side of Everwhelm Falls in Noctilum and kill multiple Acid Diluses. Riddle 1: "Take this elevated corn to hand, atop the peaks of a delusional land." Go to the peak of the Delusion Mountains in Sylvalum and gather Pale Maize. Riddle 4: "In fields of green in New LA, ask in the morning to find the way." In the morning, go to the Residential District and speak with Solan near Deliverance Park. Riddle 3: "If you seek a pure white shell, to the east does it now dwell." Go to Oblivia and gather White Forfex Shells. Riddle 2: "Across the table where titans feast hides an insect you must defeat." Defeat Calore, located in the Infernal Ledges Cave in Cauldros near the northwest edge of Titan's Table. Riddle 1: "In the court of the forest gods, a brood of sentinels here do flock." Find Sentinel's Nest on the east side of Divine Roost in Noctilum. Solve the following riddles to reach Level 5 and access the "Off The Record" bonus mission: US0860 Excavator (level 60): Successfully complete Alexa's final affinity mission, "Rapid Misfire". US0830 Dozer (level 30): Successfully complete Bozé's final affinity mission, "Bozé's Ignorance". US0232 Police (level 30): Successfully complete H.B.'s final affinity mission, "Climbing The Ladder". Level 60 Skells: Successfully complete the main storyline. Level 50 Skells: Have Sakuraba Industries reach Level 5. Complete the indicated tasks to unlock additional Skells: More Skells can be purchased with credits or can be crafted with materials and Miranium. Level 30 Skells can be purchased from the Weapons Terminal in Armory Alley in the Administrative District. Successfully complete Chapter 6 to get a Level 20 Urban Skell. This is useful for exploring during damaging weather conditions, or if you want to very slowly cheat your way through lava. To restore health outside of battle, simply access the Active Members sub-menu of the Party menu, and select "Confirm Changes".